12 Best Helpful Apps for Medical Practitioners

We live in a world where most of the folks’ activities are carried out through Smartphones. The youngsters are more conscious about the health conditions, the users are taking advantage of mobile phones to manage and improve their health. Here we are going to tell you about the Best Helpful Apps for Medical Practitioners.

The health care workers are also seeing the benefits of mHealth apps adapted towards improving their practice. A recent survey says that there are nearly one lakh mHealth applications in major app stores, in which about forty-two percent of said apps comply with the paid business model.

Best Helpful Apps for Medical Practitioners

A list of best Helpful Apps for Medical Practitioners is given below for the Medical college students, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, Internal Medicine Physicians, and other clinicians. These apps form a complete set of tools to achieve a specific task.

1. Epocrates:

This app is being used by famous doctors all over the world to lookup drug information, search other providers for consults and referrals and quickly calculate patient measurements like BMI (Body Mass Index).

There are more than one million active members in which fifty percent of the people being U.S based physicians. Epocrates is compatible with both iOS and Android.

Most of the content in this app is available free for folks, access to additional data and performance like lab guides, alternative remedies, and disease information reports. It requires the purchase of Epocrates Essentials for about one hundred sixty dollars per year.

2. Doximity:

This app is one of the famous and largest medical professional networks in the United States of America, which covers about forty percent of the physicians as members. For both the mobile and website platforms, the doctors can use Doximity’s free tools for HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

This act provides secure communication, electronic faxing, reading people-subjected medical information, and career management.

This app is designed exclusively for the professionals involved in the healthcare field. This app is compatible with both iOS and Android. It is a free download app but it asks for the membership payment in the network.

3. UpToDate:

This app is compatible with both iOS and Android Devices. Thousands of medical physicians have installed this app. This app is useful during emergency periods because it answers lots of clinical questions. It is fully immersed with medical knowledge.

The major con is that this app is not a cheaper one. At the initial stage, while downloading the app is free, in order to access the information contained within it, the individual or a particular organization needs to have a subscription to the UpToDate database. This subscription starts nearly five hundred dollars per year for an individual physician.

4. Isabel:

This app is a famous diagnosis assistance app that is compatible with both iOS and Android. The database includes over six thousand disease presentations and symptoms, and it has its own ability to refine the results by age, gender, and folk history.

This app is a solid way for any medical professional to check the diagnoses and have been reviewed in different medical journals. It is available only in online mode, not accessible in offline mode.

The app is itself is free, in order to use any of its functionality and data, one needs to purchase a monthly subscription of nearly twelve dollars or an annual subscription of nearly one hundred and twenty dollars.

5. DynaMed Mobile:

It is compatible with both iOS and Android. This app brings the most important DynaMed reference database to mobile. The subscription amount is about three hundred and ninety-five dollars per year for an individual physician.

Only the paid subscribers will get the full functionality of the decision support tool on their Smartphones. The major functionality includes disease references, the point of care information, and summaries of over three thousand four hundred different topics, with regular updates.

6. Medscape:

This app is compatible with both iOS and Android. It is a great tool that can be used for medical references. The app is completely free; in order to use the account, an individual needs to register his/her details.

This registration process can be done through the app itself. Once finished, one can look up medications, check the disease reference tool, and catch up with the medical-related news, updated information and so on.

7. Virtual Practice for Doctors:

This app is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. It is a free, mobile-based EMR (Electronic Medical Record) and it is accessible in online mode. The folks can upgrade to a premium version with advanced features like a patient portal and custom domain.

Both the app and service are free, which offers a great avenue to communicate with patients outside the office, remote patient monitoring, voice chat, video chat, and the ability to answer typed patient questions.

8. Read by QxMD:

This app is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. The magazine format option allows the folks to read and download studies, journals, and articles from many sources including open access journals, and papers from linked institutions.

The app is free but for some of the journals and Pubmed (A service of the US National Library of Medicine) may require an institutional or individual subscription or credentials. It centralizes all the medical literature and journals. Nearly thousands of installs and plenty of free data is a no-brainer for the physicians looking to keep current in their specialty.

9. NEJM This Week:

This app is only available for iOS devices. It accesses recent articles, view images of medical conditions and listens to audio and video descriptions of articles. This app is totally free to download and it also includes videos of medical procedures and reports on recent research findings.

10. Figure1- Medical Images:

This app is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. A physician can view and share medical images with his/her colleague that is with the other physicians. The users can send, comment on, and search through the medical images in Figure 1’s visual database.

This app is perfect for the physicians looking for reviews on a rare condition or seeking to see and learn about rare or textbook cases. It also guarantees the patient privacy with automatic face-blocking and removal of identifying information. The app is free to download and use.

11. Omnio:

This app is one of the popular medical apps, which have similar functions that of the Calculate, Medscape, and Epocrates. It also includes a library reference suite, where the health care centers can search for and store important research data and guides to inform their practices. The users also have free access to the manuals. Omnio is compatible with both iOS and Android.

12. An Essential Medical calculator:

This calculator is essential on a physician’s Smartphone and it has the breadth and depth of QxMD Calculate. To calculate a Wells Score for a patient with pleuritic chest pain or to calculate a PORT score for the suspected bacterial pneumonia.

The range of calculators is impressive, organized by the subject area, in which most of the folks use the search function. Most of the calculators include a brief explanation and the associated reference. For the users that have institutional credentials, the text is completely downloaded. It is a must-have for primary care physicians.

So this was the full details of 12 Best helpful Apps for Medical Practitioners. I hope these apps help you. Stay tuned with to get interesting kinds of stuff.

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